Join us online for Sunday Services.
Starts at 10:00 AM
St. Matthew's Lutheran Church in Taylorsville Utah
(801) 965-8484
5200 So. 2700 W. Taylorsville, Utah 84129
"We are called to proclaim God's grace by sharing the story of Jesus to bring light, hope and healing to the world"
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After watching the Sermon would you please answer a one question survey?
St. Matthew's Core Values
Worship is the center of our common life. Worship moves us to service. That service is supported by fellowship and community. Worship + Service + Community. We invite you to take part in these with us.
We are a member congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, committed to hospitality, justice, inclusivity, mercy and joy in the name of Christ.
We serve the West Side of the Salt Lake Valley. Our congregation came into being in 1989 when St. Paul and Atonement Lutheran churches merged.
We are a member congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, committed to hospitality, justice, inclusivity, mercy and joy in the name of Christ.
We serve the West Side of the Salt Lake Valley. Our congregation came into being in 1989 when St. Paul and Atonement Lutheran churches merged.
Online Giving

St. Matthew’s has chosen a new provider, named, to manage it’s online giving. Make one-time donations or set-up a giving schedule that meets your needs. will do the work for you, making your giving easy and convenient.
If your donation to St. Matthew’s through fails to process, you will receive an email from notifying you that the transaction was unsuccessful. This typically happens when there is an issue with the payment method, such as an expired credit card. If you receive the email, please double check your payment details and update your information to ensure your contribution can be processed successfully.
If your donation to St. Matthew’s through fails to process, you will receive an email from notifying you that the transaction was unsuccessful. This typically happens when there is an issue with the payment method, such as an expired credit card. If you receive the email, please double check your payment details and update your information to ensure your contribution can be processed successfully.
Newsletters:February Newsletter:
Comprehensive Ministry Review:
Events:Mark Your Calendar – Upcoming Events
The Little PantryYou can now purchase your items directly from the St. Matthew’s Wish List by clicking on the Amazon link below:
(AMAZON ) FOOD ITEMS THAT ARE NEEDED: cereal, shelf ready milk, jelly/jam, & pasta sauce PERSONAL ITEMS: shampoo, bar soap, deodorant, toothpaste, toilet paper, & paper towels Or check out our Amazon site and do your shopping from home! And a big Thank You for your support of The Little Pantry! REMEMBER, THE FIRST SUNDAY OF EVERY MONTH. Submitted by Rhonda Joa Outreach & Advocacy Ministry Time to clean out your closets for blankets, sweaters, coats, hats and gloves of all sizes. Clean and gently used or new items please. A box will be provided in the Narthex in November. Warm clothing drive continues thru this month. Tom and Rhonda Joa take our donations regularly to Crossroads Urban Center. Our warm items are much needed and much appreciated. Thank you!
Submitted by Mary Wimmer Outreach & Advocacy Ministry Dear St. Matthew Lutheran Church, Congratulations on your enrollment into the Smith's Food & Drug Inspiring Donations Program. Your participants may begin enrolling upon receipt of this email.
You have been assigned a new NPO (Non-Profit Organization) number KJ733. Please refer to this number in all future correspondence. To Use the Smith's Food & Drug Inspiring Donations Program: Simply encourage your participants to visit Once logged into their Smith's Food & Drug account they can search for St. Matthew Lutheran Church either by name or KJ733 and then click Enroll. New users will need to create an account which requires some basic information, a valid email address and a rewards card. *Customers must have a registered Smith's Food & Drug rewards card account to link to your organization. *If a member does not yet have a Smith's Food & Drug rewards card, please let them know they are available at the customer service desk at any Smith's Food & Drug. REMEMBER, purchases will not count for your organization until after your participants register their rewards card. Participants must swipe their registered Smith's Food & Drug rewards card or use the phone number that is related to their registered Smith's Food & Drug rewards card when shopping for each purchase to count. Submitted by Rhonda Joa Outreach & Advocacy Ministry The Endowment regional recipient this year is Annunciation House, a volunteer organization that offers hospitality to migrants, immigrants, and refugees in El Paso, Texas. Annunciation House is endorsed by the ELCA Synod Assembly as an organization that seeks to be the voice for justice and compassion, especially on behalf of the most marginalized of our society.
The Endowment ministry has received $200 in donations this year and wishes to thank everyone for your generous support. Submitted by Pam Lawrence Endowment Ministry Our senior breakfast club is growing if you would like to join us. We meet at Dee’s Family Restaurant, 4710 South Redwood Road, every other Tuesday at 9:00 am. Our next breakfast dates are February 11th , & 25th
Submitted by Mike Stoker Breakfast Club It’s a new year and we are all looking to explore and engage in new things. I encourage you to consider engaging in Stewardship. I can already hear it: “Asking people for money is not my thing,” “The money thing is so invasive.” I know, I get these thoughts and feelings too, but stewardship is so much more than money. The definition of stewardship is: “The job of supervising or taking care of something such as an organization or property.” Stewardship is the overarching care of not only our congregation but strengthening it so it can then provide (aka be stewards) of our community. This ministry is fulfilling in seeing what this amazing, Jesus rooted congregation can do and I encourage people to ask about joining, or just sitting in on a meeting without commitment or heaven forbid (for you) ask Harmony about it at one of the services. One book we as a ministry read early on was Abundance by Michael R. Ward and it completely changed the purpose of stewardship for me. I will have a copy in the Narthex if anyone would like to take a look.
Submitted by Harmony Thaemert Stewardship Ministry The Property Ministry is looking for volunteers to help with the church yard and building. Please prayerfully consider this opportunity to use your gifts to help serve the people of St. Matthew’s and the community. If you are able to help in any way, please contact Mike Stoker;(801) 232-6588. [email protected].
Submitted by Mike Stoker Property Ministry Adult ForumAdult Forum is meeting again right after service. We are using the book “Jesus is Enough,” by Claudia May. Don’t feel like you have to have the book to join, we are very willing to share, and there is no reading before we meet. We read a section that morning and then enjoy discussing what we read. Come join the fellowship and wonderful discussion. I can tell you that all of us that participated before we broke for the summer have missed meeting and are ready to be back. We welcome anyone to stop by and see what we are about. We would love to see you each week, but feel free to pop in as you are able. Thank you,
Submitted by Leandra Ludlam Adult Forum The Prayer Shawl Ministry will meet on the first Monday of every month at 2 PM. Prayer shawls, hats, baby blankets, and scarves are projects we work on together. We have a great need for yarn donations; please see Mary Wimmer or Henny Johnson for more information.
Sunday Service Streams LiveIt’s snowing, I’m sick or I just can’t get moving on a Sunday morning. Don’t worry you can still watch service.
St Matthew’s streams service live every Sunday at 10:00 am so join us online. If you can’t join service on Sunday morning, service is still on our web page for five days So if you want to hear the sermon or gospel again provided to us by our preaching ministry team and the beautiful music that Sam plays, just go to St. Matthew’s web page and click on the link. Submitted by Communication Ministry Why become a member of St. Matthew’s in Taylorsville? Here are a few reasons our members have expressed why they are part of the Mission and Ministry here:
For how you can be part of the exciting ministry at St. Matthew’s as a member, ask an usher for a “Request for Membership” form. First Communion -
Sunday Worship 10:00 am
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Spread the Word

Check into Facebook every time you are here at St. Matthew’s. Tell folks what you are doing, post pictures and tag your friends.

Do you have an Instagram account? If so – take pictures to show your friends and family where you are and what you are doing at St. Matthew’s.
Opportunities To Serve

Choir or Special Music – the choir sings several times a year and practices for 20-30 minutes following worship most Sundays. For more information contact Leandra Ludlam. Counters – contact Karla Stoker to be trained and added to the schedule.
Facilities & Grounds – upkeep of the facilities requires many hands & a variety of talents. Contact Mike Stoker.
Faith Formation – Sunday School Teachers needed for the upcoming year. We use the Spark Lectionary Series. Contact Samantha Johnson for more information.
Fellowship – get together with a few others and sign-up to provide Coffee & treats on Sunday morning prior to & after worship. contact Mary Kay Arnold to sign up.
Prayer Shawl Ministry – do you knit or crochet. Contact Henny Johnson for more information.
Outreach Ministry – needs help with the Food Pantry, meals for Family Promise, special collections for organizations that St. Matthew’s supports. Contact Jackie Peercy.
Worship Ministry – Worship Assistants, Lectors, Ushers, Greeters, Cantors, Acolytes – contact Mary Kay Arnold to be trained and then added to the schedule.
Facilities & Grounds – upkeep of the facilities requires many hands & a variety of talents. Contact Mike Stoker.
Faith Formation – Sunday School Teachers needed for the upcoming year. We use the Spark Lectionary Series. Contact Samantha Johnson for more information.
Fellowship – get together with a few others and sign-up to provide Coffee & treats on Sunday morning prior to & after worship. contact Mary Kay Arnold to sign up.
Prayer Shawl Ministry – do you knit or crochet. Contact Henny Johnson for more information.
Outreach Ministry – needs help with the Food Pantry, meals for Family Promise, special collections for organizations that St. Matthew’s supports. Contact Jackie Peercy.
Worship Ministry – Worship Assistants, Lectors, Ushers, Greeters, Cantors, Acolytes – contact Mary Kay Arnold to be trained and then added to the schedule.
Reconciling in Christ News
Made in God’s Image – God’s Boundless Diversity
Reconciling in Christ (RIC)
Reconciling in Christ (RIC)
Made in God’s Image
After a two-year journey, lots of discussions, many prayers, one on ones and development of a welcoming statement, St. Matthews Lutheran Church, has become a Reconciling in Christ (RIC) congregation. Please rejoice with us as we celebrate.
“As a Reconciling in Christ congregation, St. Matthew’s Lutheran Church is an inclusive and welcoming community. We affirm that all people are created in God’s image and, as beloved children, are worthy of God’s love and grace. We welcome those of any race, ethnicity, creed, class, age, gender, marital status, physical or mental ability, sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression. In creating a beloved community, we join together in a commitment to racial equity and to celebrate our uniqueness to live freely in God’s grace.”
Come join us as we celebrate and rejoice in God's boundless diversity.
After a two-year journey, lots of discussions, many prayers, one on ones and development of a welcoming statement, St. Matthews Lutheran Church, has become a Reconciling in Christ (RIC) congregation. Please rejoice with us as we celebrate.
“As a Reconciling in Christ congregation, St. Matthew’s Lutheran Church is an inclusive and welcoming community. We affirm that all people are created in God’s image and, as beloved children, are worthy of God’s love and grace. We welcome those of any race, ethnicity, creed, class, age, gender, marital status, physical or mental ability, sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression. In creating a beloved community, we join together in a commitment to racial equity and to celebrate our uniqueness to live freely in God’s grace.”
Come join us as we celebrate and rejoice in God's boundless diversity.
St. Matthew’s Vision Statement
Our vision is a community deeply rooted in the love of God, energetically engaged in meaningful relationships with our neighbors near and far, committed to rich diversity, intentional inclusion, bold advocacy, and care for creation to connect people to God and transform lives.
On November 21st St. Matthew’s congregation voted unanimously to become a Reconciling in Christ congregation. “What does this mean for us?” is a question many of us might be thinking. Becoming a RIC congregation will provide opportunities as we lean into our new Visioning Statement and Welcoming Statement. Reconciling Works tells us, “Many LBGTQ1A+ people have learned by experience that they are not truly welcome in church, even in churches that state, “All are welcome here!” A general statement of welcome is often heard as meaning, “everybody but me,” so it can take a special effort to communicate and authentic welcome to LBGTQ1A+ people. The RIC program seeks to make known settings where people of all sexual orientations, gender identities, and gender expressions are truly welcomed.”
There is so much to learn and to do that it might seem overwhelming, but have no fear, together we can take it one step at a time. Education is a good place to start. As Allies, we need to learn about pronouns and helpful ways to use them. Another good place to learn about the LBGTQ1A+ community is to become familiar with terminology that is welcoming and hospitable. Expressing and cultivating hospitable curiosity is something we can learn and do on this continuing journey of radical welcome. Here is a link for allies to become familiar with terminology.
To learn more about pronouns and terminology check out
Our vision is a community deeply rooted in the love of God, energetically engaged in meaningful relationships with our neighbors near and far, committed to rich diversity, intentional inclusion, bold advocacy, and care for creation to connect people to God and transform lives.
On November 21st St. Matthew’s congregation voted unanimously to become a Reconciling in Christ congregation. “What does this mean for us?” is a question many of us might be thinking. Becoming a RIC congregation will provide opportunities as we lean into our new Visioning Statement and Welcoming Statement. Reconciling Works tells us, “Many LBGTQ1A+ people have learned by experience that they are not truly welcome in church, even in churches that state, “All are welcome here!” A general statement of welcome is often heard as meaning, “everybody but me,” so it can take a special effort to communicate and authentic welcome to LBGTQ1A+ people. The RIC program seeks to make known settings where people of all sexual orientations, gender identities, and gender expressions are truly welcomed.”
There is so much to learn and to do that it might seem overwhelming, but have no fear, together we can take it one step at a time. Education is a good place to start. As Allies, we need to learn about pronouns and helpful ways to use them. Another good place to learn about the LBGTQ1A+ community is to become familiar with terminology that is welcoming and hospitable. Expressing and cultivating hospitable curiosity is something we can learn and do on this continuing journey of radical welcome. Here is a link for allies to become familiar with terminology.
To learn more about pronouns and terminology check out
History of St. Matthew's Lutheran Church, Taylorsville, Utah
St. Matthew’s congregation had it’s beginning in the 1950’s and 1960’s with membership in the early Utah mission churches of St. Paul’s in Kearns (LCA) and Atonement in Granger (ALC). In 1987 the two churches sold their buildings and joined together in the newly formed Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). January 1, 1988 was the beginning of this new church named St. Matthews Lutheran Church. The first service in the new building was held March 8, 1993, in the soon to be incorporated Utah city of Taylorsville. In October 1999 the addition of an education wing was added to the church. St. Matthews Lutheran Church is the only ELCA congregation on the west side of the Salt Lake City valley. For the past 35 years the church has been a “beacon of light” in the community and hope to continue to share God’s love while serving our congregation and community in many more years.
Respectfully submitted, Mary Kay Arnold
Respectfully submitted, Mary Kay Arnold
St. Matthew's is now operating on solar power.
Click on the picture above to see the System Details.
Click on the picture above to see the System Details.